Caribbean cruise

Despite some tense moments catching our flight to Fort Lauderdale, our Caribbean cruise went smoothly and we enjoyed it.  I misjudged the time it would take to get to the boarding gate from Wylie world where we spent the night.  When we checked our bag, we were told it was a late check and might not make the flight, which would have meant we would embark on the cruise with toothbrushes, pajamas and not much more than the cloths on our back.  We were greatly relieved when our bag came around on the baggage claim carousel. Continue reading “Caribbean cruise”

Our early visits

When I was growing up we made trips to McBride once or twice a year.  Mostly these were day trips but there was at least one overnight campout.  It was a challenge to get to the canyon.  We had to enter the ranch — Bivins Coldwater Cattle Company back then — and navigate the dirt ranch roads to the ranch house.  I say navigate because if there had been rain at the very least the roads would be rutted and there could even be benign-looking but treacherous puddles concealing mud that would suck a vehicle in right down to the axel.  Our family car was a low-slung Pontiac entirely unsuitable for off-roading. Continue reading “Our early visits”


Joyce kept two black hens from the first batch of chickens she raised when that flock had gotten too old to lay.  The two were pets, more or less, and while one died some time ago, she thinks one of the black hens she has now is the other from the first flock.  That hen has always wanted to sit on a clutch of eggs but was never allowed to since the eggs were needed for human consumption.  For a while now the egg production generally from the current flock has been light and spotty.  It appears Joyce will allow the current flock to live out their lives and not replace them with a new flock. Continue reading “Chick”

Quail sighting

One day this week as I was headed toward the gate in front of the house, a quail burst into flight from the other side of the juniper in the corner.  It had probably been outside the yard and I couldn’t see it because of the juniper.  I knew immediately what it was because of the distinctive whirring sound of its wings.  There are plenty of quail out at Wildcat Bluff Nature Center and I often scare a covey up out of the tall grass.  This one flew straight toward the enclosure and disappeared behind a juniper.  Cookie the cat set off in pursuit but I don’t think he was successful in catching it. Continue reading “Quail sighting”