Rebecca used some of her hard-earned money to invest in a rip-stick. All the kids at her school have them, you see. Kari spoke of practically being run over by kids riding them as she walked up the sidewalk to the building to collect Rebecca after school one day. She insists Li’l r won’t be running people off the sidewalk with hers like the hooligans in her school. Rebecca and I went up to the rail trail so she would have plenty of room to get the hang of her new possession. I resisted all temptations to try it myself. It wasn’t that hard. All I had to do was think of the explanation I would have to make at the emergency room. Continue reading “Rip-stick”
Tag: basketball
Blow off
It doesn’t seem like this is the most colorful fall we’ve ever had, and maybe not as colorful as normal, not that this part of the world is known for its fall color. Or maybe the color is just later than some years. We drove up to Canadian with the Shewberts Friday and there wasn’t any of the cottonwood color we’ve seen there on previous trips, though their cottonwood festival was several weeks ago and may there was more of a show then. There is a restaurant in Canadian in an old bank building that is worth the drive. Their menu is fairly extensive and not cheap but everything we’ve had there has been very good. They have some scrumptious rolls and they serve a complimentary bread pudding dessert made from yesterday’s leftover rolls. I highly recommend it next time you are in Canadian. Continue reading “Blow off”