
img_1527Celebrating September/October birthdays has been a challenge this year.  It was simple enough with Vivian.  Jill made a cake, we sang happy birthday and Vivian opened presents.  But Rebecca and Joyce were another matter.  Rebecca’s was on Monday, October 3 when we were still in Garland.  We got home that afternoon but Monday is an odd time to celebrate a birthday so the plan was to combine Li’l r’s with Joyce’s the following Sunday.  We did manage to squeeze it in Sunday afternoon between other activities so they got their cake and all but I still haven’t gotten a present for Joyce.  She just waves me off when I suggest doing so.  Continue reading “Birthdays”

Rain forest

Grady's flower
Grady’s flower

Friday morning I braved the mist to mount an assault on weeds threatening to take over.  We got over an inch of rain Tuesday and the ground was in prime condition for pulling weeds.  It is also in prime condition for growing weeds.  And grass. About lunch time the clouds thickened and lightening caused me to skedadle for the house.  Over lunch we got another half inch.  Then Saturday morning about 5 o’clock a squall dumped another inch on us.  Such is life here in the SA rain forest. Continue reading “Rain forest”