A brief visit
  • Cimarron Canyon Palisades
    Cimarron Canyon Palisades first light

A full moon followed me as I travelled to Cimarron Canyon State Park (CCSP) in the Sangre De Christo mountains of New Mexico and provided enough light to read by in the dead of night when I reached my destination, or so it seemed. I used to like to go on a ramble in October, after work around the place was less pressing and I was ready for a break. For the last several years (not counting last year), Joyce and I would stay in hotels but prior to that I had car-camped by myself since Joyce had no interest in doing that. I had purchased a tent-like enclosure for the Pathfinder, so that when the rear door was opened, I was able to stretch out in my sleeping bag while still being protected from the elements. As the fall approached, I wondered if I still wanted to do that. The idea appealed but I knew the reality might be different, so I finally settled on CCSP as a not-too-ambitious proof of concept. Thus did I hit the road and set up camp in one of the CCSP camping areas.

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