Drivers Ed

abigail driving

Sunday Abigail and I drove out to Dick Bivins stadium in the Pathfinder for the first hour of seven hours of behind-the-wheel instruction.  Abigail got her learner’s permit a couple of weeks ago and has completed the seven hours of observation required as Kari carted her around town.  Our session on the stadium parking lot was her first experience driving and we spent most of the hour stopping, starting, and making left and right turns.  We finished up the hour with 15 minutes of trying to park the vehicle in the parking slots without scuffing the imaginary cars around it, then back out, again trying not run into the other cars, no small challenge for a newbie.  I think the Abster was ready to turn the wheel back over to me when our time was up.


According to my records going back to 2009, June 2017 was the wettest on record and, totaling 5.45 inches of moisture, well over double the June average of 1.84.  Even June of 2015, the year we doubled our average annual moisture, we only recorded two inches.  So why did if feel like a dry month,  Well, because we got nearly four inches early in the month and the rest last weekend, with nothing in between.   It would have been nice to spread that moisture out over the month but then that wouldn’t have been the Texas Panhandle, now would it?

We’ll assemble for our 4th of July celebration Saturday.  The forecast is for a high of 84º.  That will be a nice change from the 100º temps we’ve been having this week.