Green and growing

Sydney the IG
Inspector general Sydney gave the garden a close look and declared it acceptable.

No rain since last weekend! What ever shall we do?  Come to think of it, we did got a wetting Friday night, I think it was, or was it Thursday.  Looks like there is a possibility of rain Wednesday, though.  Am I being greedy?  Maybe.  I just don’t want to go back to drought conditions.  I’ve heard that the weather folk think we will return to normal precipitation in late summer but when you’ve nearly died of thirst, you tend to worry about where the next water hole is.

But for now, we are green and growing.  I mowed the south end this week  and it already looks like it needs mowing again.  I’m trying to get on top of the weeds but it’s hard not to panic.

Jill says here crew is doing well.  Their new nanny seems to be doing a good job of planning and executing summer-time activities.  They will be here around the first of July for our 4th celebration and get together and may stay over a week or two.  I told Jill her girls may not remember seeing SA greened up.  Vivian has never seen it greened up.  They’ll probably like the change.  It so much more pleasant to walk on green grass than dried grass.

It looked as though the water lily I planted around Mother’s Day wasn’t going to prosper but Thursday I noticed it was starting to put up a pad.  Today the pad has already grown to the surface.  It may be too much to hope for a bloom anytime soon, but maybe now that it has gotten going it will reward us sooner rather than later.  The established white lilies are blooming away.  I think the aerator is benefiting the pond ecology.

Wes Kirton called Saturday and asked if we wanted Mom’s plant back.  It was the one in the living room that grew so large.  They were willing to take it after Mom was gone so they’ve had it for 13 or 14 years.  Apparently they want to use the space for something else, as you can imagine.  Wes wanted to give us a chance to reclaim it, which was thoughtful, but we don’t have any room so we’ll let them do what they think is best with it.