I ran across the remnants of a bird nest the other day. There were a couple of cigarette butts, no doubt from the strip along the street, included in the construction. Must have been a grovite bird nest.
The wind blew down the century plant blossom, stem and all. It was about 12 feet long and was pretty heavy.
Kari got a new car, a Volkswagon Touraeg. Abigail now has use of their Honda Pilot, unless it is needed by the whole family, such as going to Red River. Saturday evening she attended a surprise birthday party for one of her volleyball chums. Drove herself, of course. The tether is lengthening. She will pack her bags and leave for WT volleyball camp almost immediately after we return from Red River and before they head off to Switzerland. She received an invitation to attend the camp from one of the coaches to determine if she might fit their program, and would want to.
Rebecca and I got in another round of golf Friday morning. She played her ball from where my ball landed where it was to her advantage to do so but mostly she played her own shots. One of her drives looked like it was going to bounce onto the green but didn’t quite make it.
The grapevines are all covered now. There are so many birds around, I think they would have thinned the crop considerably if I had waited till late July to do that. By then the grapes will have started turning. They wouldn’t really be ripe but the birds aren’t that picky.
Jill and them arrived safely. Chaos ensued. Jill’s capacity for work seems limitless but that isn’t stopping at&t from testing her limits.
WARNING! Boring stuff about rain to follow.
Our weather man John told us we had a pretty good shot at rain Friday and Saturday evening and I did empty .04 out of the gauge Saturday morning. None Sunday morning. John says June is our wettest month and we did nearly make our SA average for June (2.38 vs 2.44 average over last 10 years). However, based on the last nine years, SA’s wettest month is August (3.09) followed by July (2.62). If we can make our average this year all will be well even though our current total for the year is 3.91 so we have little hope of achieving our annual average of 18.20. Sometimes I think about places like Ireland that are so lush and green with moderate temperatures but then I remember how dreary the weather can be there so much of the time. I do like sunshine.
Abigail and I have been draining something like two thirds of the water out of the lily pool every couple of weeks and we seem to have hit on a technique to improve the clarity and make the lily pool much more attractive. We’ve been getting nice blossoms, too. There is a white lily, a pink lily and a yellow lily and all three have taken a turn at adding some color. With the increase clarity the fish are more visible. We use the water we drain out to water trees so it doesn’t go to waste.