Early in the week Joyce spied a couple of big black dogs on the place and called Chris. I was blessedly unaware down in the cave. When Chris got into action he found that they were trying to burrow into his guinea run.
In other news, a plain clothes cop drove into 2005. He told Chris he was investigating some criminal activity and wanted to go down to the east lane. Chris was on his way somewhere and didn’t find out what the nature of the criminal activity was. I hope whatever it was, it has moved on somewhere else.
Blayson Tversky, John’s youngest, got his head cracked open last weekend. Seems he and his cousin/sidekick Carson were in the backyard playing with some older (about 7) neighborhood boys and Blayson’s older brother Blain. They got out the golf clubs and one of the bigger boys was in the process of driving a ball into the open field behind the house when the ball rolled off the tee. Helpful fellow that he is, Blayson jumped in to put it back on the tee and, no good deed going unpunished, got the club head behind his ear. It was a pretty scary time for everyone but the docs said if you had to get a club up side the head, where Blayson got it was the place to get it. Nerves and blood vessels, not to mention a lot of gray matter, were centimeters away. Word is he’ll make a full recovery.
Chris drove to Tulsa for a fight Friday night. His fighter won the fight but lost on technicalities. Needless to say he was bummed and Chris said he had to exert considerable influence to keep him form losing his cool and doing something he’d regret. His opponent’s entourage were talking some smack, it seems.
Abigail wound up here basketball season Saturday. The last two games her team couldn’t buy a shot. Abigail might as well be playing football since all the coach has her doing is blocking someone. Oh well, that’s it for Kids, Inc. ball and next year they’ll have to try out for the team. Maybe between now and then she can work on her shooting and ball handling so she can make the team and do something besides block someone.
Snow early in the week but Saturday was a beautiful day. I got some tree trimming done. Much more needed.