A Rambling Reminiscence of Experiences During the Great War Between the States
by Jacob Harris Rockwell
Chapter I
More than half a century has rolled by since the beginning of the gigantic struggle. It would be marvelous indeed for one to commit to memory, without erring in any of the incidents occurring in such varying experiences, and if I should err in any of the brief statements, I hope some comrade will kindly correct me so here goes for the first random shot.
I make no claim to a brilliant war record but, to me, there were many thrilling experiences.
On the 14th of June, 1861 I enlisted as a private soldier in a cavalry company of Missouri State Guards, commanded by Captain T.W. Cruse. The company was know as the Salina Company Mounted Rifles. I was enlisted for six months, and our first encounter with the Yankee army was at Booneville, Missouri on the 17th, three days after the enlisting period. There was no worry waiting for action in a real war. We were all raw recruits. The troops that we met were seasoned soldiers, well-armed and equipped. We were pushed back, with small loss on either side. This took place on the Lamine River. The next morning, conceit run out of us, we took up the line of march south to meet General Sigel at Carthage, Missouri. Continue reading “War between the states”