
New patio

Recently I stumbled on a movie titled The Wind That Blows the Barley.  The setting was 1920 Ireland and was about the conflict between the Irish wanting self-rule and the British wanting to maintain control.  It was entertaining but not a happy story.  Also last week I caught a beautiful, calm day and got in a round of golf at Comanche Trail.  When we had dinner with the Shewberts Sunday Gary suggested we play golf Monday, weather permitting.  In my view this time of year it is more important what the wind is doing than what the temperature is.  As it turned out, it was windy and threatening rain so we skipped golf.  But Thursday, well, it just doesn’t get any better for golf here on the high plains.  On Thursdays Gary plays with a friend who can’t play any other day so I was left to my own devices.  I decided I would play a big-boy course and decided on the Comanche Trail Arrowhead course.  I got off around 9:00 when it was still pretty chilly.  In fact, there was a little ice on a couple of the wooden bridges.  But the air was so calm and the sunshine so pleasant, I was never uncomfortable.  I was, however, a little intimidated by the large areas of long grass in front of many of the tee boxes.  They might as well be water because the chances of finding your ball if you hit into them was about the same.  I walked the course using a pull cart and was by myself all day so no one was there to see my silly shots, nor was there anyone to appreciate the handful of truly outstanding shots.  I’m anxious to have another go soon, but that will depend on the wind.

Landing back of garage

Joyce and I decided we needed a patio to help use enjoy our golden years to the fullest, so we had one put in.  Naturally it extends from the back porch but we also had a small landing area put in that extends out from the back garage door step where we have a grill.  The neighborhood cats seemed to take it all in stride.  They congregated and were intrigued by the grilling I did Saturday evening.  The steaks did smell pretty good.  I had the dirt they removed piled up in the northeast corner of the yard rather than hauled off.  It is very good dirt containing lots of decomposed plant matter from the trees close by.  Kari is redoing the bed next to her front porch and I told her we could use the dirt there to rework the grade.  Right now it slopes back to the corner of the house and porch and should slope away so rain runs off properly.  It will be a bit of a project but should look pretty good when done.

Results from Tuesday’s election were satisfying.  It is only another step in a long and challenging journey to reduce the Democrats to the pitiful minority they truly are if the truth about them is known.  I admit to strong feelings of schadenfruede over the whacking poor Wendy Davis got.  Just think how bad it would have been with no Democrat voter fraud.