Yet more rain

Greetings from Panhandle Rain Forest.  Just kidding.  All this rain is making me silly.  We got another inch and a quarter Wednesday night/Thursday morning  and it’s been pretty cool, down to 45 Saturday morning, a little taste of fall. sunrise and periwinkles It’s time to start mowing.  I was hoping it would rain in my pre-emergent so I wouldn’t have to water it with a sprinkler.

Chris had his gall bladder removed this week.  I’m not sure of the details.  Apparently a gall bladder hurts when it goes bad.  Joyce says she and I are about the only people of a certain she knows that haven’t had theirs removed.  I don’t like the idea of losing body parts.  I’d just as soon keep mine.  I’m not sure what a gall bladder does but it’s bound to have some purpose.

It was just Little R and me down in the cave for movie time after pizza Friday evening.  Abigail went to a party.  It was just Rebecca and me again Saturday afternoon.  Seems like I mentioned that the movies Abigail wants to watch now don’t appeal to me and Rebecca.  Kari and I talked about that and, since she did like those movies and didn’t want Abigail to have to watch what Rebecca likes, we decided I would watch movies with Rebecca and she would watch movies with Abigail.

Do you remember we installed three mollies in the aquarium last Saturday.  Well, at last count there were three little ones.  The mollies have doubled in number in a week.  It will be interesting to see how quickly the little ones will mature.  In the mean time I assume the adults will produce more little ones.  I foresee a population problem before long.  Anyway, the fish are interesting to watch.  They get really excited when I start to feed them.

Chris has a new batch of keats he hatched with the incubator he bought.  He has nine but another one hatched from a batch of eggs he was about to write off.  They were the left overs from the guinea hen that was killed a couple of weeks ago and he’d about decided they’d been left unattended too long.  Kari showed me the latest one to hatch.  She said it looked different from the others.

Judging from the scat, there are a number of foxes around.  There was one in the meadow when I was out there Saturday afternoon spraying weeds.  It is strange that for much of the summer there didn’t seem to be any around.  Then there seem to be several around.