Chris rousted a toad out of the culvert under the 2005 driveway while trying to remove whatever was blocking it. Rebecca and Abigail brought it down to the south lane where I was working to show me. Toads are rare on SA, you see. Chris didn’t completely succeed in removing the blockage but it will now allow water to run through it where before it was completely stopped up.
It was a pretty routine week this past week. The weather was mild and mostly cloudy. There was rain all around be SA only got a couple of wettings. When, oh when will it be our turn. Wednesday evening I played golf with Gary while Joyce and Phyllis visited. They met us for dinner at Ruby Tequila’s on Soncy. It was half-price margarita night and the joint was jumpin’. We could barely hear ourselves think.
Chris’s keats are growing. They are about six-eight inches tall now and he hasn’t lost any more. His bees seem to be doing their bee thing. They’ve built some combs. Joyce continues to add to her garden. Pretty soon she’s going to wind up with as much garden as she would have if we hadn’t been gone much of May. The grapes seem to be doing well. We aren’t watering the vines as much as we have in the past. The book I refer to most on the subject of vines and wine didn’t recommend any more watering that necessary to control growth and that way each year’s vintage can be a reflection of the conditions that particular year adding variety and interest to the wine.
Abigail participated in a basketball camp this week. She fell and sprained her wrist the first day which sort of inhibited her participation some, at least dribbling with hand. Rebecca will have swimming lessons the coming week. Last week she had her first panano lesson. She asked Kari if she could and Kari isn’t sure how it’s going to work out. She hopes Rebecca doesn’t find it too difficult and lose interest.