Hood mass

Sunday we enjoyed an evening performance of Christmas in the Hood 2016 by The Hood Mass Choir at the Globe News Center. While enjoying our Saturday bagel we overheard conversation about the performance and thought it sounded interesting. Joyce phoned her buddy Phyllis who thought it would be something she and Gary would like to attend so we did. Donnell Hill led the choir while playing the piano and keyboard. They put on quite a performance and there was the usual audience participation. One of the high points was a rendition of Silent Night arranged by the Temptations. There were between 40 and 50 people in the choir, about 25% men. It was the men who go by the Hood Mass Men Ensemble who performed that number. There were a number of other soloists and all could really belt it out. It was well worth the price of admission which was only $5. When we went to the ticket window to get tickets, we were handed four tickets that had been previously purchased but someone had just returned because they couldn’t attend. There was a no-refund policy and, since the tickets had already been paid for, we weren’t charged.  Merry Christmas. Continue reading “Hood mass”

The sheriff

In my travel post last week I neglected to mention Sheriff Dave Clarke   He is the sheriff of Milwaukee County and was one of the panelists at several of the National Review sessions.  He gained nation attention with a campaign ad where he told people to learn to defend themselves until the police got there.  The amphibious left shrieked in horror and accused him of promoting gun violence.  Joyce is a fan because he has stood his ground and not knuckled under to the toads but doubled down on supporting police and accusing criminals of, well, criminality. Continue reading “The sheriff”


Joyce kept two black hens from the first batch of chickens she raised when that flock had gotten too old to lay.  The two were pets, more or less, and while one died some time ago, she thinks one of the black hens she has now is the other from the first flock.  That hen has always wanted to sit on a clutch of eggs but was never allowed to since the eggs were needed for human consumption.  For a while now the egg production generally from the current flock has been light and spotty.  It appears Joyce will allow the current flock to live out their lives and not replace them with a new flock. Continue reading “Chick”