Sunday we enjoyed an evening performance of Christmas in the Hood 2016 by The Hood Mass Choir at the Globe News Center. While enjoying our Saturday bagel we overheard conversation about the performance and thought it sounded interesting. Joyce phoned her buddy Phyllis who thought it would be something she and Gary would like to attend so we did. Donnell Hill led the choir while playing the piano and keyboard. They put on quite a performance and there was the usual audience participation. One of the high points was a rendition of Silent Night arranged by the Temptations. There were between 40 and 50 people in the choir, about 25% men. It was the men who go by the Hood Mass Men Ensemble who performed that number. There were a number of other soloists and all could really belt it out. It was well worth the price of admission which was only $5. When we went to the ticket window to get tickets, we were handed four tickets that had been previously purchased but someone had just returned because they couldn’t attend. There was a no-refund policy and, since the tickets had already been paid for, we weren’t charged. Merry Christmas.

Tuesday evening we went to Rebecca’s program at Olsen Park. It involved the 4th grade class and it may have been the entire class. There were a lot of chillin on the stage. It was a play, a musical, in fact, and was called Pirates of Piñataville, or something like that. Piñataville was an island somewhere off South America and their sustenance was gained by, among other things, making and selling piñatas. The natives had spent all year making piñatas for the Christmas season and were about ready to turn them over to Santa when their island was visited by pirates who stole the piñatas. There was weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. Then they hatched up a plot to seek revenge on the pirates by filling some piñatas with peppers. When they pirates came back and dug into the new piñatas they were filled with remorse, so much so that they helped the PIñatavilliens make new piñatas and thus their livelihood was saved, at least for the time being. Santa collected the piñatas and presumably distributed to worthy children throughout the world.
Joyce and I enjoyed the play and wish we could see it again.