Dog’s life

imageDogs don’t have names in the less prosperous areas of San Salvador, and maybe not generally.  There are usually several nondescript examples of mixed heritage around and are ignored, left free to circulate among the legs in their perpetual quest for something to eat.  The only attention they get is the occasional kick if they get in the way.  These are half-hearted indignities though and inflict no pain.  Dogs enjoy equal status to the flies and chickens.   They seldom bark, perhaps because they have no claim on anything.

2 thoughts on “Dog’s life

  1. If it makes you feel better, Priscila has a dog named Rabo along with a cat named Gringo and a chameleon named Estuar. One might think her family is less impoverished than others in El Salvador but she went on to say that she spent her birthday money on rice, beans and other foodstuffs.

  2. Sure am glad I remembered to check your blog. I will be glad to hear all about the trip when you get home. Love you

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