Joyce hollered for me to come a running shortly after breakfast this morning. She was headed out the front door to plant some of the flowers she had yet to get into the various pots around the house and saw a big white bird in the pond. We didn’t get very close to it so we didn’t get a real good look, but I think it fit the Audubon bird guide description and picture of a great or common egret. It was considerably larger than a cattle egret so I think we can rule that out.

Later, or maybe earlier, Kari saw the egret strolling around the side of the house and Chris took this picture. I was concerned it might have been dining on the gold fish in the lily pool but Joyce and Rebecca confirmed the fish were still there after the bird was gone. It might have gobbled up a few frogs while wading in the pond but it was chilly this morning so maybe the frogs were sleeping in and escaped notice.