Fall foliage

Friday night Abigail played the first volleyball game of the new season.  Chris was in Austin and Kari had something at the church so Joyce kept Rebecca while Abigail and I went to the game.  It was good and dark when we drove to the facility, a place called the Courts of Amarillo (COA) out on the south loop.  It was dark and I was thinking it was dangerous the way the traffic was routed.  That part of the loop is two lane and the speed limit is 70.  With all the cars turning in and out of the COA the chances of someone doing something stupid were high. Sure enough just as we were about to enter the COA, there was a sickening crash.  The sound of a vehicle skidding was less than a second which meant whatever speed vehicle A was traveling when it hit vehicle B was not diminished significantly.  It turned out one of the girls on Abigail’s team was in one of the vehicles involved.  pistache fall foliageShe showed up 10 or 15 minutes late and was understandably distraught but the fact she even showed up indicated to me no one was injured.  Later games were cancelled and when we left they were still cleaning up.  They weren’t towing vehicles.  They were loading them on trucks which they do when vehicles are totaled.

Our pistache on the south end is beautiful.  We were thinking it wasn’t going to have much color this year but then it finally turned.  Also, the pistache we planted in honor of Andreas is just as pretty, but smaller.

Our Indian summer continued this week but toward the end of the week it began to blow and Saturday is blew so much it sucked.  The forecast says a cold front will hit tonight so all the crap that blew in from New Mexico will blow down to Lubbock.

A fox was snoozing just inside the enclosure on the northeast corner when Joyce walked by just a few feet away one day this week.  It was nice and sunny without being too warm and brer’ fox couldn’t be bothered to roust hisself.  Yesterday evening at dusk two foxes emerged from the juniper in the enclosure and suantered  out into the pasture.