Superhero The Black Widow

Indian summer

In spite of excellent indian summer weather, we had no trick-or-treaters Halloween evening, not even the neighbors.  I would probably have given away every bit of candy we had if this person had shown up on our doorstep demanding treats.Superhero The Black Widow

Joyce and Kari are on a milk fast.  They have been subsisting on nothing but milk for a week now and plan to continue for another week or so.  This is suppose to be good for what ails you.  I’m told there is also a beer fast.  Much as I like beer, I think I would have a hard time drinking a cold one first thing in the morning.  Maybe I could do a half-fast and just drink beer after the sun gets over the yardarm.  Chris has modified the doghouse to accommodate guineas and transferred the first batch into it.  They were climbing all over each other in the box in the garage plus they made the garage stink all to be damned and Momma warn’t happy.  He has a heat lamp and you may recall the doghouse was built with SIPs so it is quite well insulated.  He put in a roost and also a thermometer sensor that allows him to check read the temperature in the guinea house from the comfort of the Zbinden house.  He plans to put a chicken  wire roof on the run so the guineas can’t get out and nothing can get at them.  Then he will kill, cook and eat them at his leisure.  So far I haven’t been offered any  guinea but Kari brought me a bowl of chili the other day and you never know what’s in that stuff.

Saturday evening we took in the WT game with the Brokenbeks.  It was a nice temperature for football, chilly, but there was little wind so we didn’t suffer too much.  Neither team could stop the other from scoring but the Buffs managed to take a three point lead by half time.  In the second half they traded scores but with WT managing to stay ahead and had even extended their lead to 10 points with less than three minutes left in the game.  Had the game ended there it would have been more pleasant evening but the football gods had other ideas and the nasty, lowdown opponents managed to eke out a win.

Kari tasked me with taking a picture of the Abigail’s baptism today at church but I blew it.  I didn’t know what the set up would be and was focusing on the actual baptism instead of one of the large TV screens on either side.  Since the baptismal is elevated at the back of a stage, about all I got was the top of Kari’s head.  On the other hand this is a nice picture of Abigail’s friend Adley, Joyce and Rebecca.