We have had hummingbirds around all summer as usual. There is usually a black chin that takes possession of the feeder and drives off all comers and that was the case this year. We also saw the occasional migrant, especially in the spring. Now the resident black chin has headed south and there are several migrants constantly vying for access to the feeder. These are headed south as well but in the meantime they are keeping us entertained. We even put out another feeder to relieve the congestion in front of the kitchen window.
It has gotten down right sloppy around SA over the last couple of weeks. There hasn’t been much sunshine and we’ve accumulated 2.44 inches of rain so far this month (average is 1.13″). Just a couple of weeks ago I was complaining about it being too dry. Well, that problem has been solved, at least for the present.
Li’l r and I hoped to play golf Friday since she had no school, but the rain the previous day made the course too sloppy, at least in the morning. We did get out and hit a bucket of balls and do a little putting. That was enjoyable for both of us.
Saturday Kari hosted a birthday part for Rebecca. Rebecca invited some of her friends from school and they invited some friends from church, too. The latter are/were Mexican, at least the parents are. Kari used a Mexican theme for the party and the Mexicans brought some Mexican dishes to augment the pizza Kari offered. The party started at 3:30 and it was a really nice day The friends from school were dropped off by their parents at the appointed hour but the friends from church operate on, well, Mexican time and didn’t get there until about 4:30. It is their custom to party as a family so they didn’t just drop off their kids. The whole family joined in.
There were party games and grandpa hauled trailer loads of children around the place with the tractor. The younger Hispanic kids in particular enjoyed that. I’m pretty sure we would still be out there going round and round if they had their way.
There was a piñata filled with candy which may have been the highpoint of the party, or at least a close second to cake and presents. Depends on your point of view. All the children seemed to really enjoy taking a whack at the piñata until they finally wore the poor thing out and it gave up its load of sweets, Mexican of course.
Joyce spent much of the day making hot sauce and I pitched in when requested. Kari Is fond of the Mexican adults and It is easy to see why. They are friendly, jovial people and speak good English, though Kari strives to converse with them in Spanish.