It had gotten a little dry around SA but Thursday night there came a nice 1-inch rain followed the next night by another 3/4’s inch so the place was looking pretty good on the 4th for our little get-together. It was the usual suspects which meant a lot of kids to take advantage of the water slide and blowup pool. The afternoon was warm and sunny but pleasant in the shade of the bois d’arc trees. Those so inclined played volleyball before hotdogs and ice cream and many, though not all, of the same crew played more after ice cream. The elderly groundskeeper, in a rare moment of clarity, sat out the second session so that he might be able to get out of bed the next day. Tino the dog was so exhausted by it all he was barely able to take nourishment. Both managed to live to fight another day.
Sunday we grilled steaks for Abigail’s birthday dinner. Her birthday isn’t until Tuesday but we wanted to celebrate while everyone was around. It was nearly mid-afternoon before we sat down to eat. Dave needed to get on the road home so we didn’t want to wait until normal dinner time. When that rolled around we just had birthday cake and called it a day.