Our neighbors had a little get-together for the Abster’s volleyball team yesterday evening, a perfect evening for it. I got the yard and the grass court mowed so the place, at least that around 2005, looked pretty good. When I staggered back to my lair the fair maidens where playing volleyball, having stuffed themselves with hot dogs and needing to make room for somores.
Mowing is my default activity these days. I even spent Wednesday morning out at the Bluff pushing a mower around. We got another shower Tuesday evening (.87) and the grass and weeds are taking full advantage of the copious moisture to grow and produce seeds. The stalks and seed heads of the blue gramma are hard to cut cleanly. If I want a clean cut I have to go back over what I’ve already mowed. Mostly I don’t worry about it, though. I’ll be mowing again before the season is over.
Tuesday evening Kari was occupied with Rebecca’s activities and asked us to take Abigail to her game in Canyon. Apparently AISD thought it was close enough to let the moms provide transportation for the players rather than bus them, so Joyce and I drove Abigail and her friend Kegan to the game. The Canyon girls had the gall to try to win and the Rebels had to break a sweat but managed to beat them in two close games. Abigail’s playing time has increased and she acquitted herself well.
Joyce and I chose to labor on Labor Day, at least in the morning. Our windows were in pretty bad shape so we got busy and washed them, inside and out. Joyce suggested I hose down the woodwork on the front because it was dusty. It became apparent that it would require more than that so I wound up washing it down with soapy water before rinsing. The results were pretty good but it added a lot of extra work to the window washing. The windows might get washed outside more than once a year but for sure the woodwork won’t.