As promised by the weather weenies, it snowed Sunday night. By Monday morning some 6-7 inches had accumulated, which when melted registerd .23 in the gauge. Monday and Tuesday weren’t suitable for outdoor work but Wednesday wasn’t too bad so I spent a couple of hours at the Bluff doing what I could. Thursday and Friday were really nice days but Saturday a cold front blew in and today (Sunday) we’re enjoying a wind chill of 17°. The forecast is for daytime highs in the 60s this coming week which will be nice since the full contingent of granddaughters will be here and no doubt will want to run and play. Heck, I want to run and play, too. Continue reading “First snow”
Tag: snow
January soaker
It is unusual to get significant moisture this time of year. Anywhere from a light dusting to an inch or two of snow is about all we can expect for January here on Planet SA. And we got that earlier in the month. But starting Saturday it rained and rained, then snowed Sunday night. Saturday the rain gauge accumulated an inch and Sunday it added another inch between raining off and on all day and snowing during the night. The snow was probably four or five inches deep and very wet. People in less arid parts of the country will think this is nothing to get excited about, but here on the High Plains, that much moisture would be noteworthy even in July. Falling in winter it won’t burn off and blow away as it generally does in the summer. The flora will get a good long sip and not have it disappear into thin air through their leaves. Continue reading “January soaker”
Snow fun
Snow on SA
Well, not just on SA, of course. I suspect it’s all over town, if not the county. Shoot, for all I know the entire Panhandle is blanketed. Cold, too. About 10° this morning. It’s forecast to be in the 60’s next week. It has been cold since we got back from Garland but I braved the cold Tuesday afternoon to take down the outdoor Christmas decorations. Yesterday Joyce and I disassembled the indoor decorations and now have everything stowed in the attic until next fall. Continue reading “Snow on SA”
Easter snow
We woke to several inches of snow Easter morning but it was gone by the Easter egg hunt in the afternoon. The snow started Saturday evening as we were gathered at 2005 for dinner. Abigail played in v-ball tournament that day, which kept her and her mom busy from early morning to late afternoon. Dinner was a little late but worth the wait. Anyway, big flakes started falling sideways north to south and quickly covered the ground in spite of the temperature being in the 40’s when it started. It was a wet, sticky snow and I don’t know how much moisture we got since it fell at an angle and thus none accumulated in the rain gauges. Sunday morning there were at least three inches piled up on the yard lights. Let’s say there was a tenth of an inch of moisture per inch which would give us 3/10s of an inch, which is probably about right. We need more but we’ll take what we can get. Continue reading “Easter snow”