We woke to several inches of snow Easter morning but it was gone by the Easter egg hunt in the afternoon. The snow started Saturday evening as we were gathered at 2005 for dinner. Abigail played in v-ball tournament that day, which kept her and her mom busy from early morning to late afternoon. Dinner was a little late but worth the wait. Anyway, big flakes started falling sideways north to south and quickly covered the ground in spite of the temperature being in the 40’s when it started. It was a wet, sticky snow and I don’t know how much moisture we got since it fell at an angle and thus none accumulated in the rain gauges. Sunday morning there were at least three inches piled up on the yard lights. Let’s say there was a tenth of an inch of moisture per inch which would give us 3/10s of an inch, which is probably about right. We need more but we’ll take what we can get.
The Wylies rolled in in the wee hours Friday morning. Dave and Kaylee had soccer practice — Dave is the coach, I think — which kept them from getting an earlier start north. We had a decent day Friday, especially the afternoon, for the shorties to run and play. They took to the new hideout created when I cleaned out the dead wood from a couple of junipers east of the house at 2005 and spent a lot of time making modifications. The wiminzes were busy with Easter preparations and Joyce suggested I help Kari out by driving Abigail and her buddies around. Abigail and her friends Avery and Baily are very similar in height and hair length and color so that at a distance it can be a little hard to tell which is which. Abigail went to Crockett and played basketball with them. They go to Amarillo High now but the friendship endures, albeit with some good-natured back forth over which school is the best.
Abigail and her team did pretty well in the tournament. They came in second in the silver category. Joyce and I watched a couple of games as did the Wylies. Abigail felt she played the best she’s ever played and in the games I watched I felt she did well. All the girls except Sophia and Vivian took turns playing the piano for us. I guess Sophia and Vivian haven’t started taking lessons yet. Vivian did sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and did a nice job.
Barbara joined us for dinner Friday night and again for Easter dinner. Jill and I went to the Bagel Place Saturday morning and had a nice conversation while we munched our bagels. We took some back to those sleeping in.
I got my grapevines trimmed, finishing up Friday afternoon. I’ll need to cart off the trimmings and make sure the retaining wires are all in good shape but the vines won’t really start putting out until May so I’ve got time.