When whoever’s in New England is through with you…

It was late when my plane landed at Bradley Field near Hartford so I didn’t get see any foliage as we flew over the area.  The next morning as I drove to the office it seemed like there wasn’t much color.  To my surprise, the three days I was there there was a tremendous amount of change so that by the time I left the foliage was beautiful under clear, blue skies.  New England is hard to beat this time of year.

On the other hand, it’s hard to beat the weather we’ve been having.  There is even a little bit of color, yellow mostly, fitting for Amarillo.  It was nice to be outdoors Saturday working around the place.  We’re beginning to get a little dry again, so I hope it rains soon.

Saturday morning I went with K, A & R to Abigail’s volleyball game.  Chris didn’t go because he was soon to depart for Odessa for a boxing match.  He’s a licensed boxing coach now, or trainer, or whatever they are called and his fighter(s) was entered in the tournament.  I haven’t enjoyed Abigail’s last two games very much.  You’ll recall I complained in my last post about her team not playing very well.  I thought/hoped it was just an off day for them but they were just as bad today.  When the first game started there were only six girls on the Crockett team there so everyone played the first two games.  During the second game one of the other girls on the team showed up and the coach put her in for the third game.  But she took Abigail out!?  Abigail spent the whole third game on the bench, the only player on her team not on the floor.  I couldn’t believe it.  It was like the coach was playing to lose.  There are two gals and I don’t know which one is the coach, but they coach sitting on the bench.  Their girth leads me to believe they spend a lot of time sitting.  Think what you want to but I assure you there is no one on the team better than Abigail.  Since the first game when she served poorly she hasn’t failed to put a single serve into play.  None of the other girls can match that.  And if the ball comes her way, more often than not she is going to return it.  There wasn’t a single girl on the floor that was playing as well and at least two who are detriments to their team, although in fairness today they played better than they usually do, but still.  After the game Abigail was not happy but I never heard the explanation for sitting her instead of one of the other girls.  Here team is playing worse now than when the season started in spite of practicing twice a week.  I can only conclude that their coach(s) are doing a poor job.  Yes, it’s still little girl’s volleyball but you can bet the last two teams they’ve played have been playing to win.  Abigail’s teammates seem to have no problem missing a serve, doing a poor job of returning a ball or simply making bonehead plays such as hitting a ball that is clearly going out of bounds.   They just grin and slouch around.  When the season started most of them were playing much better.   I’m glad that next year they have to try out for the team.