We celebrated Joyce’s Uncle Gerald’s 100th birthday in Fort Worth Friday night. His grandchildren put on the celebration. As you can imagine for someone 100 years old, even the grandchildren are of a, ah, certain age.Janice drove Max and Juanita down from Plainview and even Joyce’s aunt and cousin’s drove down from Lincoln, Nebraska to join in the celebration. Gerald was his feisty self and appeared to enjoy himself. He invited us out-of-town folk to his assisted living quarters for breakfast the next morning but the next morning, bless his heart, he thought no one was coming. We were supposed to be there at 9 a.m. and would have been, too, if we hadn’t been given the wrong address. When you plug the wrong address into Google maps, you get bad directions. It took us an hour to get that corrected, during which time poor Uncle Gerald thought no one was coming. We finally got there and enjoyed a nice breakfast and visit.
After the breakfast we drove to Garland to spend the night with the Wylies. We had a nice visit with them, as well, and drove home today.
The chicken Joyce calls Nekkid Baby because the other chickens pecked its feathers off is finally sprouting new ones, much to Joyce’s relief. It’s one thing to be featherless in summer and another to be so in winter.
Chris is getting the dog run ready to quarter the 28 guineas currently occupying his garage. The bigger ones are in pack’n’play and he has another group in the box he made for those that have since outgrown it.
I neglected to mention that Abigail went to a super hero-themed party as the Black Widow and won the prize for looking closest to the character represented. Her mother took a picture I’d like to post here if she would send me a copy. She looks like she won’t suffer fools.
Joyce is going round and round with Social Security trying to get signed up for Medicare. She has spent days waiting by the phone as instructed and not received the promised phone call. Our tax dollars at work.
We had a hard freeze Friday night so that’s it for the garden. I’m glad to see it, not the garden but the freeze. That will encourage the trees and my grapevines to drop their leaves and be less vulnerable to an early snow. Last year we had an early and very wet snow and it broke off some limbs as well as bending the poles I use to support the summer growth of the vines.
We haven’t voted yet because Joyce has been trying to get the call from SocSec. Maybe we’ll work it in this week. Kathryn said she and John voted a straight Republican ticket. A friend told her she did as well and it came up straight Democrat. The poll officials couldn’t get it to do differently. Be sure to double check your ballot.