Things are beginning to stir around SA. Some of last year’s ornamental plants are coming back while some aren’t. Bulbs we planted in the fall are putting up greenery. Even the grass has a tinge of green where it has been worn down by foot traffic. Another sure sign of spring in the air, Joyce bought a cherry tree. Saturday we went to a couple of nurseries looking for the particular kind she wanted but without success so she ordered it from some place in Georgia. It should be here in 10 to 14 days. We’ll plant it east of the sky room so we can keep an eye out for borers.
It was just Joyce, Tino and me most of last week. Chris dropped Kari and L’l r off in Garland on his way to Austin and Abigail was in Washington on business. We occupied ourselves by getting the tomato pots developed on the caliche mesa. I dug 23 pots and used the caliche I extracted to build a berm around them to hold moisture. Then I filled the pots with topsoil excavated last fall when the patio was put in. I had them just pile the topsoil in the corner of the backyard. It is really good soil with a lot of decomposed material from the trees in it. Kari and I’ve put some in a couple of her flower beds. Joyce will probably mix in a little potting soil when she plants her tomatoes but they should thrive in that environment. It seems to me the caliche holds moisture even though the surface dries out rapidly after a rain. That should also help. We’ll find out in the coming months.
Wednesday I spent most of the day out at the Bluff. A couple of strapping lads showed up volunteering their services and I put them to work. I usually work alone out there and it is like lifting a box you think is heavy but isn’t when people show up to help. We continued the clean up and gradually we’re pushing the tall grass farther and farther back. Chris and I were out there Saturday to replace an attic ventilator and I was gratified to see the number of people enjoying the nice weather and the Bluff.
By the end of the week we were back to full staff on SA. Abigail had a volleyball tournament so she didn’t have much time to recuperate from her trip, not that she needs a lot. I’d have to take to my bed for a week but she just slept in Saturday morning and was no doubt ready to go.
A few weeks ago L’l r and were playing a modified version of charades. I really stumped her acting out a record player. She had no idea what that was. Same for dialing a rotary dial phone.
Our friends the mallard are back. I know it’s them because they don’t fly off when I come around. I wonder where they spent the winter.
A new page called The Candy Shop is available under the Else tab at the top of the page. I’ve assembled some information on the J. A. Keeter Candy Company some people may find interesting.