While we were in Las Vegas last week, SA got rain nearly every day. It got rain before we left, too. I had largely caught up on the mowing before we left but, alas, now I am woefully behind again. We’ve tallied 4.69 inches for the month which, oddly enough, is still behind August last year, when we received more rain than any August of the last nine years and double the average. There is still plenty of time to surpass last August and we are only a half inch behind but I know how it can stop raining and not rain again for weeks. We shall see.
Meanwhile I’ve got my work cut out for me next two or three weeks regardless of whether we get more moisture. There are pretty good chances of rain Monday and Tuesday which would prevent me starting the catch-up process, but maybe it won’t be that much if it does rain and it will dry out during the day so I get started on it. I dread to think how far behind I would get if I can’t mow Monday and Tuesday. My union contract doesn’t allow me to work Friday-Sunday and I’ll be occupied at the Bluff Wednesday. It, too, will be overgrown so I can’t skip it. I wasn’t there last week, either.
Abigail made the varsity volleyball team and has been rewarded with a trip to the Dallas area to play in a tournament. Not only that but she has to go back to the Dallas area the next two weekends. She’ll start school Wednesday and leave the next day for the tournament. They work these kids pretty hard. Kari and Rebecca drove down to watch her play and visit the Wylies and Hunts.
I keep rescuing little frogs that fall into the mancave escape pit. I guess they are small enough to fall through the grating that covers it and then, of course, they can’t get out. As long as it rains every few days like it has been there is plenty of moisture for them. They hunker down among the rocks where it is damp. They came to my attention as I was sitting at my desk because I kept seeing something pop up in my peripheral vision. They were trying to get out but had no chance of jumping anywhere near high enough. That didn’t stop them from trying, though, and that brought them to my attention. I opened the window, took off the screen and crawled in. Then the fun began. They were suspicious of my intent and were not easy to catch. I’ve fished six out so far but expect there to be more.
If it seems like all I do is complain about either too much rain or not enough and about trying to keep up with the mowing, well, I’m sorry. I’m afraid that’s most of what occupies my time these days. Fall is not far off, though, and the mowing will slow down. Not to worry, there will be plenty of other work but it can be handled at a more leisurely pace through the winter.